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27 february 2024

Sweets and children.


We are all born with an innate sweet tooth. Even breast milk tastes sweet. A child needs energy for growth and development, and he takes it from the carbohydrates contained in sugar. So it’s not for nothing that children love everything sweet so much: fast carbohydrates in a reasonable amount are simply necessary for them, otherwise they will not have the energy to study, or play sports, or even just play active games. Therefore, if the child does not have any special contraindications and is overweight, you should not completely exclude confectionery products. There are periods in a child's life when she has a strong need for licorice - a growth spurt, great physical and mental activity, and hormonal changes. There is no need to work for malt - you'll burn like a hedgehog - you'll be rewarded for it. It is best not to emphasize respect for the licorice as for the special one. It's just a part of it, so you can, if you want, say something like this. The “kindergarten” classic “first, first and foremost” has its own meaning: the taste of licorice through the central nervous system ensures a feeling of satisfaction and means the end of the meal.It is impossible to completely deprive a child of sweets out of concern for his health, since a growing body needs sweets for development. It’s not so much sweets that are harmful to children, but too many of them.